A multi-genre YA anthology of bestselling, critically acclaimed Black authors challenging the concept of “the geek,” featuring contributions from Amerie, Kalynn Bayron, Terry J. Benton-Walker, Roseanne A. Brown, Elise Bryant, Tracy Deonn, Desiree S. Evans, Isaac Fitzsimons, Lamar Giles, Jordan Ifueko, Leah Johnson, Amanda Joy, Kwame Mbalia, Tochi Onyebuchi, Shari B. Pennant, K. Arsenault Rivera, Julian Winters, and Ibi Zoboi.
These plotlines and more comprise the eclectic stories found within the pages of Cool. Awkward. Black.–a dynamic, exciting, and expansive collection of stories featuring exclusively Black characters. From contemporary to historical, fantasy to sci-fi, magical to realistic, this anthology celebrates and redefines the many facets of Blackness and geekiness–both in the real world, and those imagined.
Bank Street College of Education’s Best Children’s Books of the Year
“This energetic compilation of narratives is a beautiful tribute to and for young people . . . A fearless and satisfying collection of expansive stories.”
– Kirkus Reviews
“This fandom-focused, genre-spanning anthology is a love letter to geek culture, populated by Black teens who are unafraid to indulge in their interests.”
– Publishers Weekly
“The collection features exclusively Black main characters and various gender identities and yet it moves beyond representation to inspiration, serving as a touchstone for young readers and writers to build on creatively.”
– BCCB Starred Review
“The success of being multi-genre while appealing to the awkward kids is evident in the adventures within each story, moving seamlessly from magic to reality…a necessary purchase for teen anthologies in the library.”
– School Library Journal